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Backstage Theater Training

Instructor: S. Loschiavo, B. van den Akker

Class Description

The 14-week Backstage Production class is an immersive and hands-on learning experience that offers aspiring theater enthusiasts a comprehensive understanding of the behind-the-scenes magic that brings a production to life. Throughout the course, students will delve into various aspects of stagecraft, including set design and construction, lighting and sound design, costume and prop creation, stage management, and technical operations.

During the semester, students will have opportunities to participate in productions for hands-on experience. By the end of the program, students will have a well-rounded understanding of the backstage production process and the confidence to pursue further opportunities in the theater industry. Whether their aspirations lie in working as a stage technician, production assistant, or even a future stage manager, this class will provide them with a solid foundation to launch their career in the exciting world of theater production.

Day: Friday

Start Time: 2:00 pm

Start Time: 4:00 pm

Number of Weeks: 13

Age: 13-18 y/o

Start Date: September 6, 2024

End Date: December 6, 2024

Cost: $370/Semester (Siblings receive a $25 credit!) Includes T-shirt

Location: Grace House